Saturday 27 October 2012

Reading Editorial Pages of Top National Newspapers of India

Today, Woke up early in the morning as it was not a regular morning for me as I left my bed by 5:45A.M. At the same time newspaper hawker threw the newspaper into my room through the window. I went through my regular activities and started to work on website with latest updates. Sudden power cut deserted me and i was left with no option but reading editorial pages from four national level English newspapers of India i.e. The Times of India / TOI, Hindustan Times / HT, Indian Express and The Hindu.

I decided to complete the reading of newspaper articles on Editorial page but was surprise to see the biased content / articles in the Hindu newspaper. It was an article on Namo / Narendra Modi by Harish Khare. As it was written that author is a veteran political commentator and analyst. Going through the articles written by Mr. Harish Khare seems that he is a Congress Sycophant and write the articles in national media just to flatter the Congress leadership and bantering the non congress with his self assumed theories and ideas.

There was article by other tainted media celebrity and NDTV group editor Barkha Dutt. She has expressed her concern about the Arvind Kejriwal's initiative and unresponsive nature of middle class Indian. Many Editorials and Articles were related to Bharatiya Janta Party / BJP President Nitin Gadkari, RSS and corruption in the current scenario.

Even Congress is going through the turmoil and facing many scathing scandals in recent past but none of the newspaper has express the issue in a proper and unbiased manner. An article The Speaking Tree in Times of India was about the Daan / Giving / Donation as per Bhagwad Geeta and Quran. It was a good read and the crux of the article was that everyone who is in the position of giving / helping the needful should donate to needy without seeking publicity, favor or return.

I came across many words which I consulted in my word web dictionary. These words may be familiar to you but they were typical and alien to me while I first confronted these words. I am listing these English words and their meaning from Wordweb dictionary which may also be helpful to you in increasing your vocabulary.

  • Poacher: Someone who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another
  • Poaching: Hunt Illegally
  • Squatting: Sit on one's heels
  • Coyness: The affectation of being demure in a provocative way
  • Pesky: Causing irritation or annoyance
  • Ineluctable: Impossible to avoid or evade
  • Helm: Steering mechanism for a vessel; a mechanical device by which a vessel is steered or Position of Leadership

It is too late now and already 12:53 AM of 28th October 2012. As I am planning to wake up early in the morning but it seems difficult to get up on time by the early morning. 

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