Saturday 14 April 2012


Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is a great tool and resrouce for job seekers, employers and job analysts. It is an online database which is free to use and developed with US Department of labor / Employment and Training Administration through NCESC grant.

The similar system  DOT / Dictionary of Occupational Titles was published from 1938 to 1990s which was available in book format for consultation. 

DOT and ONET services differ in many ways. As DOT was a hard copy of titles while ONET is in digital format.

ONET can be used by Job seekers, Businesses, HR professionals, Educators.

Users can find occupations, use advance search, crosswalks. What's new section provide latest news and other updates. Those who want to know about various occupations may find online through search tool. Veterans can find the jobs / work on the basis of their skills and experience.

One can browse data and share with others for their use. One can go to help section for any issue or information.

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