Wednesday 21 December 2011

TNreginet - Apply Online For Marriage Certificate In Tamil Nadu

TNreginet is a website developed by the Tamil Nadu government and managed by the office of the Inspector General of Registration, Tamil Nadu. People of the state can apply online for encumbrance certificates, marriage certificate etc.

Internet users can visit the website for online application for marriage, encumbrance and other certified documents. One can browse through the website for various services and information available through the website to the people of the state.

There are options like tell me how, property valuagtion, duty and fees, public utility forms, guideline value, circulars, society, field offices, chit funds, stamp vendor, marriage etc.

Users can also find the Online EC status through this website.

The website has been developed in the English and Tamil language for easy accessibility. Officials and users can login for various services and online application offered by the

Online application:

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