Saturday 24 December 2011

Apply Online For Universal Service Fund, SLD, ERate, USAC

USAC is the Universal Service Administrative Company which is working with the schools and library as well as with telecommunications and internet service providers for discounted services and proper allocation of funds and services to various applicant schools and libraries.

Those who are interested in discounted services can overview the program and process and apply online for the sld, erate, usac cost allocation etc.

Users can visit the website to know about the schools and library program and tools. One can go through the commitments, latest news, search tools, submit a questions, reference area, calendar / reminders, suspensions and debarments, filling appeals, understanding audits, HATS outreach etc.

Online users can make an inquiry, file a complaint or submit a whistleblower alert.

Schools and Libraries can apply online for form 470, form 471 and form 486, BEAR online, FRN extension status etc.

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